Reading Log

/ / = Repeat reading
(p) = Play

January 2013
Telegraph Avenue (Michael Chabon, 2011) pro

December 2012

The Half-Made World (Felix Gilman, 2010) con+
Inherent Vice (Thomas Pynchon, 2009) pro

November 2012
Angelmaker (Nick Harkaway, 2012) mixed

October 2012

2666 (Roberto Bolano, 2004) PRO

September 2012

Death in the Andes (Mario Vargas Llosa, 1993) pro
The Contortionist's Handbook (Craig Clevenger, 2002) con
Blood Meridian (Cormac McCarthy, 1985) pro

August 2012

Tender is the Night (F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1934) pro-
Neuromancer (William Gibson, 1984) pro

July 2012

The Life of Pi (Yann Martel, 2001) mixed+
The Big Sleep (Raymond Chandler, 1939) pro+Ubik (Philip K. Dick, 1969) PRO+
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Phillip K. Dick, 1968) mixed
The Optimist's Daughter (Eudora Welty, 1972) pro

June 2012
Light Years (James Salter, 1975) proMiami (Joan Didion, 1987) conThe Pale King (David Foster Wallace, 2011) PRO

May 2012
A Dance with Dragons (George R.R. Martin, 2011) con
Their Eyes Were Watching God (Zora Neale Hurston, 1937) pro+
The Silent Cry (Kenzaburo Oe, 1967) PRO

April 2012

Hitchcock/Truffaut (Francois Truffaut, 1967) pro+
Fear & Trembling (Søren Kierkegaard, 1843) pro
Under the Volcano (Malcolm Lowry, 1947) con

March  2012

Cloud Atlas (David Mitchell, 2004) pro
Ender's Game (Orson Scott Card, 1985) mixed-
The Republic (Plato, 380 BC)
The Symposium (Plato, 385-380 BC) pro-
Apology (Plato, 399 BC) pro-

February 2012

Bend Sinister (Vladimir Nabakov, 1947) pro-
The Year of Magical Thinking (Joan Didion, 2005) pro-
Freedom (Jonathan Franzen, 2010) pro+

January 2012

/Franny & Zooey/ (JD Salinger, 1961) PRO+
The French Lieutenant's Woman (John Fowles, 1969) PRO+
A Moveable Feast (Ernest Hemingway, 1964) mixed

December 2011

A Feast for Crows (George R.R. Martin, 2005) pro-

November 2011

A Storm of Swords (George R.R. Martin, 2000) PRO
The 42nd Parallel (Jon Dos Passos, 1930) pro

October 2011

A Clash of Kings (George R.R. Martin, 1998) pro+

August 2011

The Blind Assassin (Margaret Atwood, 2000) pro+
A Game of Thrones (George R.R. Martin, 1996) pro+

July 2011

A Passage to India (E.M. Forster, 1924) pro
Down and Out in Paris and London (George Orwell, 1933) pro-
Death in Venice (Thomas Mann, 1913) pro

June 2011

Play It As It Lays (Joan Didion, 1970) PRO+

May 2011

Raising Kane (Pauline Kael, 1971) CON
The Sound and the Fury (William Faulkner, 1929) PRO

April 2011

Hopscotch (Julio Cortozar, 1963) PRO
The Master and the Margarita (Mikhail Bulgakov, 1967) pro+

March 2011

Discovering Orson Welles (Jonathan Rosenbaum, 2007) pro
Cinema 1: The Movement Image (Gilles Deleuze, 1983) pro

February 2011

Pan (Knut Hamsun, 1894) pro+
Hunger (Knut Hamsun, 1890) PRO+

January 2011

Lady Chatterley's Lover (D.H. Lawrence,1928) pro
Love In the Time of Cholera (Gabriel Garcia Marquez,1985) PRO
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (Murakami, 1997) con

December 2010

The Corrections (Jonathan Franzen, 2001) PRO+
JR (William Gaddis, 1975) PRO

August 2010

The Zero (Jess Walter, 2005) pro+

July 2010

Lord Jim (Joseph Conrad, 1900) pro+
The Inferno (Dante Aligheri, 1321) PRO+
The Purgatorio (Dante Aligheri, 1321) pro
The Paradiso (Dante Aligheri, 1321) pro+

June 2010

My Education (William S. Burroughs, 1995) mixed
In Our Time (Ernest Hemingway, 1995) mixed-
The Savage Detectives (Roberto Bolano, 1998) pro+

May 2010

We (Yevgeny Zamyatin, 1921) PRO+
(Saul Bellow, 1964) pro
The Crying of Lot 49 (Thomas Pynchon, 1966) pro

April 2010

The Best Short Stories of J.G. Ballard (J.G. Ballard, 1978) PRO-
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (Philip K. Dick, 1965) pro

March 2010

Ham on Rye (Charles Bukowski, 1982) pro+
Oblivion: Stories (David Foster Wallace, 2005) PRO-

February 2010

Crime & Punishment (Fyodor Dostoevsky, 1866) PRO+

November 2009

The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho, 1988) pro-

September 2009

100 Years of Solitude (Gabriel Garcia Marquez, 1967) pro+

August 2009

Me Talk Pretty One Day (David Sedaris, 2000) pro+

July 2009

The Peoples History of the United States (Howard Zinn, 1980) PRO
Notes from the Underground (Fyodor Dostoevsky, 1864) PRO


July 2006

The Broom of the System (David Foster Wallace) pro

June 2006

The Castle (Franz Kafka) pro

Placing Movies: The Practice of Film Criticism
(Jonathan Rosenbaum) PRO

May 2006

The Plague (Albert Camus) pro

A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again
(David Foster Wallace) pro/PRO (PRO's for E Unibus Pluram: Television and U.S. Fiction, David Lynch Keeps His Head and especially the titular essay. pro's for the other four.)

January 2006

Inner Views: Filmmakers in Conversation (David Breskin) PRO

The Sweet Hereafter (Russell Banks) pro

(p) Death of a Salesman (Arthur Miller) PRO

Solaris (Stanislaw Lem) mixed

November 2005

The Brothers Karamzov (Fyodor Dostoevsky) PRO

August 2005

Focus on Howard Hawks (Edited by Joseph McBride) PRO-

July 2005

In the Blink of an Eye: A Perspective on Film Editing (Walter Murch) pro

Making Movies (Sidney Lumet) pro

Crafting Short Screenplays That Connect (Claudia Hunter Johnson) con

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